#gt erina
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guardiantales-fanblog · 8 months ago
GT had a fanart event in the Korean server to commemorate Season 3 [LINK] here are some of the artworks submitted!
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World 1 -Kanterbury Forest- by @insihangsi
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World 2 -Teatan Kingdom- by na_nal_e
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World 3 Nightmare -Magic School- by @oenggt
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World 6 Nightmare -Inn- by @imhojae1
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World 7 -Dungeon Kingdom- by 그저 (Just)
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World 11 -Unrecorded World Pt. 2- by 등짝헌터
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World 13 -Lilith Tower- by @JJJIJEY
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World 18 -Two Heroes- by @Daekkaega
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World 19 -Pixie Forest- by @v82x029
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daisukoth · 1 year ago
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your-local-fools-treasury · 8 months ago
Fave guardian tales ships?
not much of a shipped but uhhhm
Yuze and Bianca I guess?
that's like the vanilla ice cream of GT ships
who do people ship anyways? I only know like a handful of ships
like (male) FK and FP, Aisha and and uhh forgot her name (the dragon knight someone), Queen Lilith and Erina, and uhhh the knight and Priscilla
oh and ofc Bob and Linda, very important
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genesis-of-david · 7 years ago
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Good news - David’s Wizard Store -Global- is now open to overseas customers!!
Basic rundown:
Only bank transfers are accepted for purchases - that means no Paypal, etc. :/ (yet, hopefully)
Shipping prices differ for each region
Europe - 2600 yen (~26USD)
Oceania, North America, Central America, Middle East:2400yen (~24USD)
Asia (excluding Japan) - 1800 yen (~18USD)
Shipments start on Oct 31, then shipments will be made 7 days after purchase
♦For more info, please read here.♦
If you missed it, here’s more info on the webshop bonuses.
Available goods so far:
Requiemage - $14.42 USD, limited time only, comes with personalized comment DVD from Sui
Requiemage -Another Edition- - $17.80 USD, limited time only, comes with personalized comment DVD from Sui
Sui 4-cheki set - $13.35
Muffler towel - $22.25
Photoset (4 photos) - $8.90
erina (support Gt., ex-Dio -Distraught Overlord-, TRIGGAH etc.) solo CD, Creature - $8.90
Get your hands on some Sui/David goodies now!! ((especially if you want an exclusive message from Sui himself!!))
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tokupedia · 8 years ago
Kamen Rider 45th Anniversary File:Drive
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Godzilla returns for his 60th birthday to theaters in an American film adaptation reboot simply titled Godzilla. Unlike last time America did this stunt, the film was well done and was a success.
Fans celebrate and sing with Moon Pride with Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Crystal, a modern reboot that fully adapts the original manga for the franchise’s 20th anniversary.
Ultraman Ginga got a sequel season on TV, Ultraman Ginga S. Ultraman X would come the following year and Tsuburaya would sign an exclusive streaming and simulcast deal with the California-based internet streaming company Crunchyroll to broadcast entries of the Ultra Series legally on the web. (despite Chaiyo being jerks and trying to stop the deal with the fake “We own Ultraman” thing again)
Zing Zing, AMAZING! As long as there is love in the world, Cure Lovely is invincible! Pretty Cure celebrates its 10th Anniversary with HappinessCharge Precure, which introduces the concept of non-super mode form changing to the shoujo series thanks to Kamen Rider writers on the staff.
The Super Sentai Series hits a rough patch with ratings and toy sales as ToQger and Ninninger come and go. Super Sentai celebrates its 40th year of existence on April 5, 2015 and for the first time ever, a Power Rangers actor cameos in a Sentai!
Japan finishes switching to full digital HD TV broadcasting. Now we can see all the pretty lasers, sparks and explosions in glorious high definition!
Shout! Factory shocked Ranger Nation with a bombshell, Kyoryu Sentai Zyuranger was coming to DVD in the United States! Due to positive reception by fans and sales, the company would become the official distributor of Super Sentai DVDs in America!
Power Rangers celebrated 20 years of the franchise. The Mighty Morphin’ Red Ranger gets a spot in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade as a balloon!
Power Rangers Super Megaforce frustrates longtime fans of the series, with reviews ranging from “meh, it’s okay” to fan rage of the highest caliber for the mishandling of such a special occasion as the 20th anniversary. It really is a divisive season.
Kikaider Reboot attempts to relaunch Kikaider for its 40th anniversary, but later Shotaro’s son and president of Ishimori Pro Akira Onodera would put the Kikiader’s licensing to Japanese filmmakers under indefinite lockdown as he was unhappy with the direction the film took.
Cyborg 009 comes to America again with a graphic novel adaptation in 2013, intended to be the first of a series of graphic novels featuring Shotaro Ishinomori’s super heroes (”The Ishinomori Universe Books” as they were to be called). After a year of waiting for the next one, fans are disappointed to hear from F.J. DeSanto that the next set of books were put on hold and then cancelled indefinitely due to Ishimori Pro’s “cultural issues” with the project. Thus, the planned Skull Man and Kikaider novels are cancelled during their early draft phase. 
The Garo Series turns 10 years old and a vast array of projects are announced and debut on TV, video and in theaters, increasing the franchise’s media output to levels never seen before.
The Patlabor franchise gets a series of live action films with Erina Mano (Kamen Rider Nadeshiko) as one of its stars.
When Drive was being planned; the producers had an idea of utilizing aspects of another cult favorite “Rider” show: Glen A. Larson’s cult 1980s TV show Knight Rider. In an interview, producer Takahito Omori even outright stated that Drive would be “Kamen Rider meets Knight Rider”.
Now imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, but you need to be subdued to avoid lawsuits when you are dealing with TV. (Especially with tyrannical copyright strikedowners and suers like NBC Universal if you are simply doing a tribute). But the overall feeling is there in some regard: Rinna is Bonnie, we have a KARR expy on two accounts and a sentient A.I. in a car that accompanied a law enforcer. But that is where the some of the Knight similarities end as Drive tries to be its own thing, a quirky, sometimes goofy, sometimes serious show with sentient Hot Wheels cars, special tires that give the heroes super powers and a talking belt.
The planning involved Riku Sanjo, who fans remember from the beloved Kamen Rider W. He wanted a police procedural drama integrated into the action. Oddly enough, the original concept was to make the hero a former criminal and then revised into a crook turned cop!  This idea was bounced around before the TV Asahi network executives got into a hissy fit about an anti-hero as a lead and said/demanded that the hero should be “pure”. So they decided to just make the show about cops with the main hero being an officer of the leu. (as Peter Sellers used to say).
A second concept idea was the use of games but the staff thought the age demographic they were aiming for was “too young for that”. This will still come... eventually in another Rider show years later.
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Another aspect that chose the direction of the show was a more somber one, the choice of a car as the main Rider Machine. Ishinomori famously claimed in an SIC story that “cars didn’t work” for Kamen Rider the last time they tried it. But according to the Asahi Shimbun in 2014, with the dwindling population and low birth rate of Japan, motorcycles are becoming less and less common in number on Japan’s roads. No extra babies being born means less future rebellious youngsters and some of those who have bikes registered are getting older and greyer. 
So the staff chose a car as 1: Cars are steadily beginning to rise in number on Japan’s roads and 2: small car toys like Hot Wheels are and always will be popular with the young male demographic. Plus the staff thought it would be “innovative” as unlike with Black RX, the car would be the main hero’s sole vehicle. Also helping the car motif was Carranger director Ryuta Tasaki being on the show as a consultant and episode director, who wanted to “break a few conceptions about Heisei Kamen Rider”. 
So after the decision, the production crew took a used 1992 Honda NSX, got some custom seating, racing style safety belts and trim from TS Tech, took her to a body shop and went to work. Several months of hard labor and custom parts made in-house and spare/modified parts donated from Honda later.....
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We got a souped-up custom super machine! Sure, Tridoron doesn’t have a style that is to everbody’s taste, but in the show it can fly like a certain Delorean, turbo boost, shoot lasers and can go a little over 340MPH and drive itself!
The cars and speed didn’t stop with the main hero, as we got a TRON-lined high tech Mercedes-Benz AMG GT (the first non-Japanese manufactured car in the Kamen Rider series) and a modified Mazda Miata with machine guns as villain cars for the movies. 
Another cool aspect of Drive is the indirect Marvel connection, the main lead actor Ryoma Takeuchi is a fan of Marvel Comics. This shows as his portrayal as Drive is a sometimes Spider-Man-esque snarky superhero. But Ryoma also studied hard to learn English really for one purpose: To meet Stan Lee and tell him how much he loved Marvel. A year after his show ended, he did! 
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(Yes, even in other superhero fandoms, Stan ”The Man” Lee will make that cameo! 94 and still awesome and kicking, God bless him!)
Word is Ryoma’s now trying to get into Hollywood to be a Marvel superhero on the American big screen or TV. If that doesn’t prove Ryoma is One of Us, what will?  (Good luck Ryoma! We’ll be cheering for you and we hope your dream comes true!)
Chris Peppler, a Japanese-American radio DJ was chosen to be the other half of Kamen Rider Drive: the KITT-esqe Mr. Belt. Since he was fluent in both Japanese and English, it gave him room to play around as an actor and his performance even spawned a Rider meme or two.
DRIVE! TYPE: 45 File! 
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The First Kamen Rider (Proto) Drive
Real Name: Roidmude Proto-Zero
“Those who are about to die do not need to know my name”
A scientist named Dr. Krim Steinbelt was working on a device called Core Driviars which he hoped could be used to benefit mankind.
His colleague Dr. Banno had borrowed his invention when his own research on advanced A.I. androids called Roidmudes hit a dead end. Krim wanted to help his friend and aided in the development of Banno’s research. But then Banno had other ideas and used the androids human mimicry ability to enact his revenge fantasies of destroying those who mocked or didn’t support his research without Krim’s knowledge. But Krim found out about Banno’s petty and sadistic behavior and ended their partnership.
Banno then intended to implant the negative emotions of humans into his creations so they would understand the concept of hate and violence and be used as his military force to conquer the world. 
However, Banno’s plan seemingly went awry as the 108 Roidmudes he built gained sentience and rebelled against their cruel creator and like so many films and TV about AI, they decide we fleshy meatbags are not worth protecting or keeping around.
However, Krim had a contingency plan if Banno’s evil work bore fruit. After his home was attacked and he was killed by a Roidmude, a protocol was activated to download his consciousness into a belt-like device and he reactivated an early Roidmude that didn’t have Banno’s programming installed into him. The evil Roidmudes initiated a disaster later referred to as the Global Freeze, where a large quarter of the Earth was slowed down by the Heavy Acceleration phenomenon the Drivairs in the Roidmudes created. Many people were hurt or died and thousands of buildings were destroyed, but then a savior came in the form of a black Kamen Rider. The Rider drove away the evil forces but could not destroy the Cores that keep them alive. The Rider eventually fell in battle when one of the stronger Roidmudes defeated him and discarded a helpless Krim aside. Some say he is dead....but is he really?
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The second and current Kamen Rider Drive (Officer Tomari circa 2015)
Real Name: Shinnosuke Tomari
When all the Global Freeze ruckus was about to go on, two police officers were in pursuit of a suspect of the terrorist cell Neo-Shade. When one of the suspects tried to ambush Officer Tomari’s partner Hayase by cornering him, Tomari panicked and pulled out his gun intending to disable the crook. But then the Global Freeze wave hit and slowed Officer Tomari down, causing his bullet to miss and hit a flammable generator near Hayase. The generator exploded and Hayase fell with steel pipes threatening to crush him after he fell. Tomari tried to save his partner but was slowed down again unable to reach him. Thankfully, due to the slowdown, Hayase was still alive after the pipes fell but was badly hurt. But being the cause of his best friend’s injuries haunted Officer Tomari and he became a broken man, unable to focus on work and losing all motivation. 
He was transferred to a special investigations unit as Krim had a friend in the Police force who could pull the strings to find a candidate worthy of being the next Kamen Rider and formed the unit. Half a year later, Shinnosuke is still in that department but has a lax motivation to do anything at first, constantly being scolded for his slacking by his co-worker Kiriko. Upon hearing there may be a Heavy Acceleration case, he gets interested at first but is easily discouraged by his low self esteem. He keeps hearing a voice coming for the red car he drives telling him to not give up and offers him a chance to be a “warrior”. Shinnosuke is a bit weirded out by this but tells the voice he still refuses as he is a has-been. But the voice tells him he knows he has greater potential and then when Shinnouske finds where the voice is coming from, Krim attaches himself to Shinnouske which freaks him out. After investigating another attempted murder with Heavy Acceleration in the area, they find the suspect: Roidmude #029. Unable to save a bystander as even with the Shift Cars help, he cannot do much as he is ambushed by more Roidmudes.
Kiriko tells him he must use Krim and transform and the Shift Cars give him a brace and a red car to go with the belt. He uses it to become Kamen Rider Drive Type Speed.  After a bit of a learning curve, Drive makes quick work of the Roidmudes using his new powers. (though at least one survived the attack via his Core escaping to antagonize the hero next episode)
When the day is saved, Kiriko shows him their base of operations under the Kuruma Driver's License Center: the Drive Pit. She tells Shinnosuke they must keep the base a secret from the Special Investigation Unit and the Tokyo Metropolitan Police. So Shinnosuke must investigate the cases of the Roidmudes to stop and eliminate them as the secret Kamen Rider of law enforcement and supported by his allies in the Special Investigations Unit.  Many twists and tuns happen along the way, with new allies, new powers and new dangers and mysteries around every corner!
The Drive Driver aka “Mr. Belt” - Krim’s current form and Shinnosuke’s partner. Unlike KITT from Knight Rider whom partially inspired his character, Krim can leave the car and be mobile to help his partner whenever and wherever he is needed and is a vital part of the Drive System’s functions.
http://kamenrider.wikia.com/wiki/Tridoron Its full “Format Number” is the Tridoron-3000. 
http://kamenrider.wikia.com/wiki/Ride_Booster_Set - Go karts which combine with the Tridoron to change into hover conversion tech! Best of all, they were a free gift from Rinna, no $39,999.95 worth of body work needed!
Super Speed, enhanced strength and reflexes, weapons proficiency, Immunity to singularity events such as Heavy Acceleration if Shift Cars are on his person or his Core Driviar in his Rider Suit is active. 
The Shift Cars give a wide variety of powers:
Flame Generation and projectiles
Ninja based-powers such as cloning jitsu and throwing shuriken construct projectiles  
Spike projectile shooting
Entrapment of an enemy via a cage.
Twin Shields, Playing card projectiles and smokescreen/Coin projectiles, the coin ones depend on Drive’s luck though.
Teleports a fraction of Drive’s Body to another area or creates portals.
Enhanced power and defense
Gives Drive analytical power, enhanced reflexes and the ability to multitask and detect enemies from behind him. 
Enhanced Super Speed with rocket boosters and more power. Able to resist Super Heavy Acceleration.
Healing Factor, albeit a very painful one.
Self-repair to Drive’s armor
Nitro power boost to enhance speed
Hologram projections
A Drill that can pierce the Roidmudes!
Light projection to blind enemies
Grappling hook!
Spanner fist
chomping claws and elastic “tongue” on the claws.
freezing blast ability
Cement gun
Fire extinguisher and extendable robotic arm
Acme 10 ton weight and gravity distortions
lifting jack
Able to fuse the power of 3 Shift cars into one super ability or all of them. Able to resist all forms of Heavy Acceleration. Energy Shield
Also, like Fourze, Wizard and Deacde, Drive’s powers are compatible with Super Sentai powers as he can use a Ninninger Nin Shuriken to turn Tridoron into a Zord. Though that was just a one-off thing.
Signature Finishers:
A big one is Shinnosuke needs Mr. Belt to transform and given that he is an A.I., that means he is vulnerable to hacking or tampering to make the once friendly scientist into a violent killing machine via evil programming and use Drive’s body in Type Tridoron to hurt others. 
The Shift Cars can be captured, immobilized or damaged. In some cases, the villains could even control them and use them against Drive.
Shinnosuke can be killed, even when in Rider form as the battle with Freeze seemingly showed. Meaning a more powerful opponent with devastating firepower can kill Drive if enough effort is put in or he somehow has no access to his defensive abilities. Despite being protected from singularities, he is not entirely immune to distortions in time and can be affected by them. (Though this was a bit inconsistent as he somehow remembered being a hero later when this happened.)
Stronger Heavy Acceleration waves can severely damage Drive or slow him down. But modifications and successions to his base Core Driviar system thanks to Dr. Hendrickson and Rinna in newer forms slowly negates this weakness to the point it is not an issue as he can maintain his movement. 
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Androids created by Tenjiro Banno and Krim Steinbelt who possess sapient, advanced level intelligence, human mimicry abilities and a wide variety of powers as well as the ability to generate Heavy Acceleration. 
In a nice nod to the original Kamen Rider, the low level types of Roidmudes are divided into three of the classic Rider mythology monsters: Bat Type, Spider Type and Cobra Type.
Roidmudes are capable of evolving to even stronger forms: Advanced, Giant, and the rare Super Evolved State, which grant Roidmudes new abilities and greater power and stronger Heavy Acceleration effects. Their goal is to create a utopia for their race by attaining The Promised Number of evolution.
Among the Advanced Roidmudes are several generals/leaders:
And their enforcer/reaper: the mysterious Mashin Chaser.
And secretly pulling the strings of these events from the shadows is.....
Tenjuro Banno/Gold Drive:
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(The KARR to Krim’s KITT)
Tenjuro Banno was a horrible and insane human being and even worse as an A.I.. An abusive, petty, cold, manipulative, ego-driven, sadistic and narcissistic black soul who believed the world owed him tribute to his “genius”. Seeing those that help him as nothing but pawns, even his own family as his two kids need a therapist after all the stuff he pulled. He is the cause of the first Global Freeze as a “ test experiment” and planned everything, as the rebellion of the Roidmudes was no accident but planned by him. 
Like Krim, he uploaded his consciousness into an A.I. after being killed and slowly let his schemes come to fruition, even faking helping and reforming when reunited with his son and Krim to steal more tech Team Drive used and render it useless against him. He even managed to kill a Kamen Rider fans came to like over the course of the series. (I won’t say who though.)
He truly was a villain fans loved to hate for how dirty he played and demented he was, helped by the fact he was played by voice actor Masakazu Morita whom anime fans know can play crazy in a way that gives you shivers. He also was formidable as an evil Kamen Rider as he could pull off a wide array of powers, including swiping the weapons of the heroes away from them via teleport!
A Terrorist group that Shinnouske was trying to track down before the series, they resurfaced in the final episode and were dissolved as their leader was captured. No seeming relation to the real Shade from Kamen Rider G other than its name.
Remember, the world has a drive that goes faster than ever, but as long as you yourself have a drive in life, you can be in Top Gear and go along for the Ride! 
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Shinnosuke Tomari: A Kamen Rider’s flight into a dangerous world ...the world.... of the Drive Rider. *1980s synth music*
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dealsdhabaonlinedeals · 7 years ago
Dog Bed Online Deals
Dog Bed Online Deals
Cheapest online deal , review, price comparison and deal links We request you to scroll to the end, you never know you might just get the best offer that you are looking for we are a #startup that is operating from #delhi #ncr #moradabad #bhopal. Our main objective is to showcase the best offer to our users , by doing so they can save money in their online purchases. We really appreciate if you…
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ao3feed-caejose · 5 years ago
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3eeUune
by rosey_lilac
Words: 314, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 | JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken | JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Jean Pierre Polnareff, Mohammed Abdul | Muhammad Avdol, Kakyoin Noriaki, Kujo Jotaro, Erina Pendleton Joestar, Jonathan Joestar, Leone Abbacchio, Bruno Buccellati, Hermes Costello, Kujo Jolyne, Suzie Quatro, F. F. | Foo Fighters (JoJo), Smokey Brown, Joseph Joestar, Caesar Anthonio Zeppeli
Relationships: Kakyoin Noriaki/Kujo Jotaro, Joseph Joestar/Caesar Anthonio Zeppeli
Additional Tags: Female Kakyoin Noriaki, Kakyoin Noriaki -> Noriko Kakyoin, Female Caesar Anthonio Zeppeli, Alternate Universe - High School
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3eeUune
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sheilacwall · 5 years ago
Bullsxxt – Stakes
2017年10月18日発売 PCD-25240 Bullsxxt『BULLSXXT』より 「Stakes」ミュージック・ビデオ公開!
Director/Editor: iKi
Camera: Kawamura hiroki aka 先生 yui hasegawa aka ゆいぽよ
Stylist: Erina Nakagawa
Cast: 松下サニー Sarah Erina Nakagawa
撮影協力: nu-STAND
Special Thanks: Miu Yuki Okura Kaneco Asahi Ushio 下北沢ケージ
Bullsxxt: UCD (MC) tommy (Gt) Naruki Numazawa (Key,Syn,Vo) Ecus Nuis a.k.a. Pam (Ba,Syn) Shotaro Sugasawa (Dr,Per)
Bullsxxt 公式twitter:@Bullsxxt_jpn source
The post Bullsxxt – Stakes appeared first on Hip Hop World Music.
from Hip Hop World Music https://hiphopworldmusic.com/bullsxxt-stakes/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=bullsxxt-stakes from Hip Hop World Music https://hiphopworldmusic.tumblr.com/post/188338517658
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guardiantales-fanblog · 10 months ago
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Art celebrating Guardian Tales' 3rd anniversary on the Chinese server
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daisukoth · 1 year ago
world 18 spoilers
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team8instafeed · 8 years ago
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小田えりなとバンド組みました🤘🏻 🥁Erina (Dr.) 🎸Maria (Gt.) * #笑い声気になる #おそらくセカシモの笑い声 #犬みたい #小田えりな https://instagram.com/p/BYXJqpKj4O_/
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guardiantales-fanblog · 2 years ago
For the celebration of Guardian Tales 3rd year anniversary, fans have made some fanart for a contest, here are some of them
The source of all of these images is here
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by "가테짱재밌음"
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by "공주님 최고에요"
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by "Flare"
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and the current winner of the contest, by "메추리알장조림"
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guardiantales-fanblog · 2 years ago
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Demon World squad
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guardiantales-fanblog · 2 years ago
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Go grandma
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daisukoth · 2 years ago
Now that World 15 is finally out in global, i can share this moment
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daisukoth · 3 years ago
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Ohhhh i cant wait to do the gilf quest
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